Harvesting Your Potential

What is the Warriors Garden? A sacred space where the seeds of your potential are planted, nurtured, and given the freedom to grow.  A six-week program designed to lay the foundation for a journey that extends beyond the limits of these six weeks. Warriors Garden is built on the philosophy that true strength is cultivated through a balance of discipline, self-discovery, and connection to the world around you. We believe that growth begins with small, intentional steps, and this program provides the structure, discipline, and guidance needed to start building the life you desire.

Take the First Step

In the Warriors Garden, the goal isn’t to create immediate, total transformation, but rather to set in motion the habits and mindset shifts that will evolve with you long after the program ends. The seeds you plant here will continue to grow, nurturing a life of fulfillment and purpose.

The Warriors Garden program is just the beginning—a six-week immersion designed to create a solid foundation for your long-term growth. While transformation doesn’t happen overnight, this journey will ignite the spark that propels you forward. We understand that true evolution is a lifelong process, and these six weeks are designed to help you build the habits, strength, and mindset necessary for continuous progress.

If you are ready to step into a future filled with purpose, strength, and self-discovery, this program will guide you toward becoming the best version of yourself. Your garden is waiting. Are you prepared to harvest your potential?

These ten commitments form the backbone of the Warriors Garden experience, designed to push you physically and mentally. Laying the strong foundation for your future growth.


Commit to 3 Workouts Weekly

Build strength, mobility, and vitality with a structured approach to physical training that goes beyond just fitness—it’s about creating resilience for life.


Commit to Sleeping 7-8 Hours Nightly

True warriors understand that rest is not a luxury—it is a necessity. Sleep is the foundation of recovery, mental clarity, and peak performance.


Commit to a 36-Hour Fast Weekly

Fasting is an ancient practice that sharpens both the body and the mind. Through this commitment, you will unlock metabolic health, clarity of thought, and a deeper connection to your instincts.


Commit to Zero Alcohol

Experience the clarity and energy that comes when alcohol is removed from your life. This commitment will sharpen your focus and enhance your performance.


Commit to Zero Caffeine

Release your dependency on external stimulants and tap into your natural vitality. This challenge will allow you to redefine what energy truly means.


Commit to 1 Video Call Weekly

Connection is key. These weekly sessions are a time to reflect, recalibrate, and gain insights from the journey you are on. Here, we will push you toward your goals while offering support and direction.


Commit to Weekly Assigned Reading

You will not only strengthen your body but expand your mind. Each week, you’ll be given readings that challenge your perspectives and deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you.


Commit to Weekly Written Discussion Posts

Reflect on your experiences and engage with others on a meaningful level. Through written dialogue, you will explore what lies within and find clarity in your thoughts and emotions.


Commit 1 Day Weekly Focused on Family and Loved Ones

Relationships are the soil in which we grow. Take time to reconnect with those you love, nurturing the bonds that sustain you and enrich your life.


Commit to 24 Hours Disconnected

In this fast-paced world, true solitude is a rare gift. Once during the program, take 24 hours away from phones, social media, and human interaction. In this space of stillness, you will rediscover the power of being alone with your thoughts and intentions.

Apply now to begin your journey into Warriors Garden.